Monday, September 29, 2008

Blog Two- My Passions!

If you haven't figured it out yet one of my passions is cars. I can take a car part and put it back together no problem. Its very hard, dirty and tedious work, but I love it. When I'm wrenching at a car I forget all my worries. I even forget to eat. I just love the fact that you can take a car thats just a regular so called "grocery getter" or a car that's supposedly slow or just plain looking and transforming it into something you envision only in your mind. I love to modify a car, make it look better, tweak the suspension, make it stronger, faster or just bringing it up to snuff again with regular maintenance. I will try posting up pics of some of the work that I have done. The truth is that my hobby/passion is a little wasteful for the fact that I just burn gas and rubber for the heck of it lol, but in my defense I'm still working with 4 cylinder cars and not the v-8's! I work with engines a third of the size of the engines I compete against.

So also in class we watched the film of Al Gore and "The Inconvenient Truth" and it posed alot of questions and proposed alot of ideas. It talked about global warming and the fact that we as humans burn fuel and waste energy to create massive amounts of co2 where the earth does nto have the time to replenish. He has an effect somehow as an activist and not as a scientist because he is in politics and can talk to Congress and the Senate and hopefully change some things. He definitely got into detail about what we are causeing the earth to do and that it we're causing it to trap heat inside its atmosphere because of this co2 thats layering under the atmosphere. he did bring up alot of disturbing things and I wish I could do more than what I'm doing already.

Lastly I hope to move forward in my education after leaving LaGuardia and going to a four year college and also getting my Masters and then go on to getting my Phd. I plan to use my education to educate people because I am going into teaching. I wish we live in an era where people see past color and race and just come together and change the world forever. There is no one bad in this world. We are all born good, but the things we encounter everyday shape us into what we have to do to survive. We need to help eachother.


So here it goes. My very first blog. Lets see if this works. So we were assigned to write about how we have helped the environment, either by doing our everyday routines efficiently or by changing the way we do things to make them more efficient. I, personally, have changed a few things I used to do in the past inorder to conserve. One thing I did honestly change was the way I used the Climate control in my apartment or what we call our thermostat. In the summer I would leave the air conditioning on 24/7 and in the winter I would have the heat on while windows were open. I know, crazy right. Well, I know its going to sound selfish and irresponsible, but I don't pay for utilities. It is included in my rent. I know some of you initially hate me, first because I don't pay utilities and second because I was wasteful. I apologize. So in the past year I have learned to shut the air conditioning off when i'm not home, which is the majority of the day and second I make sure the windows are closed in the winter to keep the furnace from trying to keep up with heating my place up. Wow took a big step already I hope. Second I started to pay more attention to recycling. I used to just shove everything into a black bag and call it a day. Now I actually seperate the metal, cardboard, plastic and of course the bio-degradables. I honestly think thats a big step for me. And finally, I have made it a point to drive a 4 cylinder and drive it as least as possible to avoid overconsumption. Plus i love the idea of a car with an engine the third of some other cars and I'll get more into detail with that in my second blog , but i have a little engine that could and I modify it or soup it up to whip some of these guys' butts with the big muscle cars lol. Thats all for now.

Some of my concerns for the future are one that we are putting alot of stress on the earth for its natural resources and one day we will find ourselves stuck at a dead end not knowing what to do when we could have prevented something like that a long time ago or even now for the future.