Monday, October 13, 2008

Blog # 3 ....Big Big Problem!

So, the question was, Which aspect of Global Warming do we think is the worst? Well, what comes to mind when I think of Global Warming is just the main idea of burning fuel. And by burning this fuel we are creating alot of carbon dioxide and adding it to the earth's atmosphere or as we've learned a layer underneath the Earth's atmosphere. So I did a little research and found a couple of solutions that are already taking place to reduce the emissions that are created not primarily by our cars today, but also by inefficient vehicles in other countries especially the third world countries. This particular website talks about the taxis in the Phillipines. These two stroke motorcycles that they use are attached to these cabins that transport people around. They say each one of them produce the emmisions of 50 modern day vehicles and that adds up to the emmissions of 90 millions vehicles in the Philippines alone. This is the link to the website and the information I gave was provided by them.

Another website I looked at was The Discovery channel website, which is one of my favorites. It keeps me updated on what's going on around the world especially this problem of Global Warming. I'm sorry people, but they bring up one good point. America is all about saving that buck and these big corporations that make millions want to make even more than that. They want to reduce the payrolls and offshore jobs to other countries meaning....that they give other poorer countries the position that they could have given an American. I know this subject is a little hairy, BUT the truth is that in China and in India they are producing more than they've ever produced in raw materials and in products that we buy. This is causing them to burn more fossil fuels to keep their factories going, but they are coming in at number one and also at the number three, China at one and India at number three beating out Russia in emmissions according to the Discovery website. I'm sorry, but we live in an age where America is almost the most informed, able to make a change and holds the power to be very influential to what other countries do. We can lead the way. This is also another link to the article I read and all the information provided is from The Discovery Channel website.


Doctor X said...

I do not know about "most informed," but America is definitely VERY powerful.

So, what is your solution exactly? How do we get the job done? Keeping jobs here? Raising standards? Imposing enalties of those nations/corporations that contribute to the problem?

1stgengreekboy said...

I just wanted to put an exact link to what kind of pollutants come out of every carburated vehicle in the Phillipines.